3) 2/9/18 - i newspaper - Kim K most dangerous celebrity to search for.

Why Kim Kardashian is the ‘most dangerous’ celebrity to search for online

Not everyone who gets the surgery is doing it purely for aesthetic reasons, or to emulate stars like Kim Kardashian. (Photo: AFP/Hector Retamal/Getty)

This article is an example of soft news with elements of hard news due to the issues it talks about such as cyber criminals. I believe so because it is about how Kim Kardashian is such a big celebrity and influencer that criminals take advantage of when consumers search for them online. It talks about how criminals will create fake websites and links so people are fooled and click on which can give the cyber criminals access to their personal details. I think the audience pleasures is surveillance because the article is teaching them to be aware of their safety online because some people can be fooled and it will lead to their details being stolen. I think this is an example of quality journalism because it is genuinely telling the consumers to think before they click.


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