Semiotics- Icon, Index and Symbol
1) Find three examples for each: icon, index and symbol. Provide images or links.
2) Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?
Icons are important because they provide the consumers with a greater understanding as to what the text is trying to convey. It would be difficult for the audience to understand or to relate to whatever is being conveyed if there weren't any icons. Indexes are significant too because they allow the audience to make links with other things because indexes give an implied sign allowing the audience to infer their own meaning. Without indexes it would be harder to create texts for the producer because it wouldn't allow the audience to have a deeper understanding of what is being conveyed.
3) Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
Global brands try avoiding the use of symbols because their advertising can often be misinterpreted. Some symbols could mean different things in different countries reducing the amount of sales as the consumers do not understand what the advert is trying to convey. Brands avoid using symbols in their advertisement in order to keep their sales and so that their product is direct and clear for the consumer to understand.
4) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) where the producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning using icons, indexes or symbols. Why did the media product fail?
From this advert we can tell that the central image of the female is the icon suggesting that the producers are trying to promote weight loss. The use of this icon can be interpreted in a negative way by many people because the producers are implying that being 'beach body ready' means you have a flat stomach, you are very skinny and you would wear revealing clothing. This icon could be shaming women who are plus sized and who are curvier than others, this icon would make other females feel uncomfortable because they don't look like the icon. The producers of this advert are suggesting that in order to look 'beach body ready' and like the female icon then you must buy their products. The female icon can also be seen as the index of this advertisement because she is wearing a quite revealing outfit. This is significant as it implies her physique that she has, she was only able to gain because of Protein World's products.
5) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) that successfully uses icons or indexes to create a message that can be easily understood across the world.
The icons within this advert is the 'Adidas' logo and the football shoes, these icons are successful because the brand is so well known it does not need to place it's name within the advert. People are so familiar with the brand they would be able to identify it from the icons and indexes of the three stripes. Although, the Adidas logo can also be seen as a symbol because it has no direct link with the brand. The central image of the shoes can be seen as an icon or an index because it clearly shows the audience what the advert is about but also the short index of 'the beast is back' leaves room for the audience to interpret that these shoes are exclusive and only if you purchase them you will feel powerful and will be able to perform better.
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