Oh Comely: Audience

1) How does Oh Comely introduce itself?
Oh Comely introduces itself in a unconventional way that is quite artistic and puts style over substance first. Oh Comely is aesthetically pleasing and is clearly for a niche audience. It is said to be a 'breath of fresh air' for a creative audience.
 2) How do the print circulation/readership statistics for Oh Comely compare to Men's Health?

Men's Health:

Circulation- 180K
Readership ABC1 men- 643K
Readership AB men- 321K

Oh Comely:

Social Media Reach: 100,000 
Readers Per Issue: 25,000 
Average Age of reader: 27 
Sold through independents, WHSmith and international outlets

Clearly, there is a significant difference between the values and this is because Men's Health is sold all around the globe where as Oh Comely is targeted at a niche audience for young women.
3) How is Oh Comely distributed to the audience?

As mentioned above, Oh Comely is sold through independents, WHSmith and international outlets. It is seen as an exclusive magazine that you cannot get everywhere. Readers can receive the magazine through the post if they subscribe to it.
4) What do you think the target audience demographics for Oh Comely might be? Some details are provided by the magazine (e.g. average age 27) but make an educated guess on further demographic details.

  •  Average age of readers is 27
  • 98% young female readers
  • most audience would be educated (university level)
  • ABC1 demographic
 5) What psychographic groups might be attracted to Oh Comely?
 Oh Comely targets Reformers and Explorers psychographic groups who emphasise creativity, personal growth, social awareness and self discovery.
6) What social class classification would you expect most Oh Comely readers to be? Why?
I think the magazine has an audience with the social classification of AB, a high social class because the magazine is £5 which is quite expensive for a magazine. This suggests that the readers have a high disposable income and the lifestyle reflected also supports the fact that the readers are wealthy.
7) What level of education would you expect for most Oh Comely readers? Why?
Oh Comely readers would be educated at a University level because of the topics discussed that can be considered as controversial and people who are aware of their surroundings and are open minded would understand the topics.
8) What audience pleasures are offered by Oh Comely?
Personal identity: Readers enjoy having their quirky, creative lifestyle and feminist viewpoint endorsed and reflected by the magazine.

Personal relationships: Oh Comely is presented in a particularly personal way. It is the creation of three university friends, the magazine offers background on the contributors and readers are encouraged to ‘get to know’ the editorial team.

Surveillance: Oh Comely deliberately looks to inform its readers about niche stories, events and people and their experiences
9) It has been suggested Oh Comely is a “magazine about people, their quirks and creativity rather than money and what it can buy”. How does the design and advertising content of Oh Comely support this view?
Oh Comely's cover is unconventional and emphasises the use of photography, creativity and empty space. “Each issue we pick a theme and see where it takes us. We try something old, something new and something that scares us a bit. Then we present our findings in a beautiful, artbook style, putting new writing, photography and illustration talent at the heart of it.” Oh Comely considers the style and content rather than making a profit.
10) Why do you think Oh Comely has been able to build a loyal audience of subscribers in the eight years since it launched? Think about audience demand, rival magazines and the overall media landscape in the digital age.
I think that they have been able to build a loyal audience because they are not money motivated because they only care about conveying other peoples stories and experiences so the readers are more aware of issues going in society. Also, Oh Comely is socially active and continues to update their social media which helps ensure that audiences remain active as well.


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